Ruediger Pluem wrote:
I guess you should move this over to d...@apr as this is likely a problem
with the windows specific connect call not returning immediately.
I moved this over to d...@apr as suggested, but have not received any responses there.

Note that I applied Matt Stevenson's suggested fix from earlier in this thread [] and the connection timeout then worked on Windows as expected with 8 dead ports being checked in between 1 and 2 seconds -- which is what I'd expect given a connectiontimeout of 160ms.

It would seem proxy_util.c should not have to do this but rather that whatever is needed to get connection timeouts to work on a given platform should be done in apr_socket_connect().

This raises another question, though. Earlier in this thread there were claims that Matt Stevenson's patch had adverse performance impacts, e.g. on HTTPS. Can someone explain how this could be? I ask in part as unless/until someone figures out the right fix in APR, I'll have to use Matt's patch -- and would like to understand the downsides and mitigate them if possible.

Jess Holle

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