Hi all,

According to the method signature for the quick_handler hook, an int field called "lookup" is passed.

According to the API docs, the "lookup" field is described as: "Controls whether the caller actually wants content or not. lookup is set when the quick_handler is called out of ap_sub_req_lookup_uri()".

This description doesn't tell me exactly what lookup means: does (lookup == 1) mean the caller wants content? Does (lookup == 0) mean the caller want's content?

Looking at ap_sub_req_method_uri(), which is used to set up a subrequest (but not necessarily run it yet or at all), lookup is set to 1.

    if (next_filter) {
        res = ap_run_quick_handler(rnew, 1);

This would imply to me that (lookup == 1) means the caller *doesn't* want content.

Looking at ap_run_sub_req(), which is used to actually run the request as set up by ap_sub_req_method_uri(), the quick handler is called again, with the lookup set to 0:

        retval = ap_run_quick_handler(r, 0);

This would imply to me that (lookup == 0) means the caller *does* want content.

However, in ap_run_sub_req(), we only run the quick handler if the content *isn't* a file or directory on disk:

    if (!(r->filename && r->finfo.filetype)) {
        retval = ap_run_quick_handler(r, 0);

Why does ap_run_sub_req() care whether the request is represented by a file or directory on disk?

To describe the problem I am trying to solve: mod_cache refuses to cache the result of subrequests, and this is happening because the quick_handler is not running on subrequests with a lookup value of zero.

Would it be correct to run the quick handler for all requests, like so?

 AP_DECLARE(int) ap_run_sub_req(request_rec *r)
     int retval = DECLINED;
     /* Run the quick handler if the subrequest is not a dirent or file
      * subrequest
-    if (!(r->filename && r->finfo.filetype)) {
-         retval = ap_run_quick_handler(r, 0);
+    retval = ap_run_quick_handler(r, 0);
-    }
     if (retval != OK) {
         retval = ap_invoke_handler(r);
         if (retval == DONE) {
             retval = OK;
     return retval;


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