On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 09:46:39AM -0400, Dan Poirier wrote:
> I was looking at mod_auth_digest and bug 16057.  Currently the shared
> memory code in that module is disabled, and it turns out that has
> effects throughout the module, such as disabling all client tracking,
> nonce-count checking, MD5-sess, and probably other things.
> I wonder if this does anything useful at all in its current state?

I vaguely recall that it either crashed, or the RMM segment got full up 
quickly and it got stuck.  I've had a TODO list item to convert the #if 
0'ed code to use of ap_socache.h but never found the time.

> Regardless, I might take a stab at cleaning some of that up, if nobody
> else is working on it already.

Any and all work on the module would certainly be good!

Regards, Joe

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