
I just sent the following email to the CouchDB developer list:


Preparing these emails is such a chore, I thought I'd post some comments here:

  * The URIs are really horrible.

    Is there any way of shortening them?

    Perhaps a shorter MID based URI would help, like:


    That would make things much more managable via email.

  * With the following list:


    If you click to open in a new tab, you get this:


    Which is just awful, really.

  * As I am forced to not use this feature of my UA, if I just click a link in
    the normal way, I am taken to some two-pane display. I would provide a link
    here, but I can't because of the way "Ajax" has been used.

    A bigger concern is that if I press my browsers back button, I am taken back
    to front page of the list, which is totally broken. I know there's a "click
    here to get a permalink" hack, but that's not very useful as I'm trying to
    browse around and my back button has been broken.

Sorry if I seem like a total arse, I'm just feeling a frustrated! Heh.

Is this project being actively maintained? The last news item was from 2005. If
the project is dead, maybe the ASF should consider ditching it's use for our
mailing lists. It's a royal pain in the arse at the moment.


Noah Slater, http://tumbolia.org/nslater

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