Hi Lionel,
since no other replied to your post I try to answer your questions ...

Lionel VICTOR (free) schrieb:
> I'm trying to bring some attention on Bug 29744.
its always helpful if you post a link to the bug like this:

> This bug is related to the fact that mod_proxy_connect does not work over SSL 
> connection because it write directly to the socket instead of the underlying 
> layer (SSL in our case).
> a patch has been provided on bugzilla...
> ...and it has been suggested quite some time ago (on bugzilla as well) that 
> we (the patch users) come here to have it included in the trunk.
> This mail exchange is all I could dig out of the dev mailing list and I'm 
> wondering where did it lead ?
> http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@httpd.apache.org/msg40050.html
> if nothing happened yet... I can try to provide this patch against trunk... 
> but...
> ...Will someone be able to spend some time in including this patch if I post 
> it here ?
woah, this bug / feature request has a loooong history, and I recall
that I did already partly read through it too; also some of the core
developers already discussed there about this bug / feature request, as
well as distribution maintainers ...
Nobody can give you a guarantee that this patch will ever finally be
applied, but I think all developers here will only accept the way
through HEAD - means in any case first there needs to be a patch against
current HEAD, and only this can make it possible at all that it will be
proposed, accepted, and applied to the 2.2.x stable branch.

> Do you expect something special from us (me) before I post a patch here ?
no. Checkout current HEAD from SVN, patch the source, test it, and
finally do a 'svn diff' and suggest this patch here + add it to BZ
29744. Also very helpful would be a sample configuration ...

> - do I need to validate the patch against unit tests before I submit the 
> patch here ?
> - is there an anti-regression test campaign ???
> - is there a test campaign at all ?

> (well I will build it of course, and I will install it and roughly test it 
> manually... but nothing automagic will be done unless you tell me)
> I'm actually hoping that you could help with these test campaigns because my 
> hardware resources are fairly limited...
> ... and because I'm running linux and linux only... so testing against 
> windows is just impossible for me... (or in vmware ???)
if you would be able to create a new test to verify the functionality
you want to add that would be very great, but if all existing tests
still pass with the patch applied that would already be good.

> thanx for your time... hope someone will be able to help (or at least tell us 
> what we can do about this patch ? or give us hints about why it has never 
> been included ? is it bogus ?... it's just a hundred lines in one single file 
> "mod_proxy_connect.c"... it seems that the BUG is "assigned", so... it is not 
> dead is it ?)
I see already Joe Orton, Nick Kew, Ruediger Plüm, Paul Querna, Bill Rowe
commenting on the BZ - so I believe the bug got enough attention;
lets hope that those I just mentioned comment here now if they want to
see a HEAD patch:
[ ] want to see a patch against HEAD
[ ] no patch wanted - bug / feature request is bogus


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