On Sep 14, 2009, at 10:23 AM, Graham Leggett wrote:
Brian J. France wrote:

These patches are based off of 2.2.13, but if you would rather have
patch against a branch or head, please let me know.

Creating patches off head is the place to start, and once the patches
have been committed to head, the next step is for people to vote on
backporting the patches to v2.2, which as you already have patches for
v2.2 should be straightfoward.

I have updated the dav-options patch against head:


The dav-options-acl.diff patch will apply to head because it just creates new files, but remember it shouldn't be committed as it is just an example.

Breaking up the patches as you have mentioned above makes reviewing the patches easier, and in turn that makes it easier to gets votes for backport.

If you break up the patches, I'll take a look and get them into trunk.




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