On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 5:15 AM, Barry Scott <barry.sc...@onelan.co.uk>wrote:

> Jeff Trawick wrote:
>> (instead of based on uri or vhost)
>> FCGIDCommand /path/to/command
>>  IdleTimeout n
>>  MaxProcessLifetime n
>>  MinProcesses n
>>  MaxProcesses n
>>  MaxRequestsPerProcess n
>>  InitialEnv var[=val] ...
>>  <class>
>> (the names of these options follow my proposal for the names of existing
>> directives ;) )
>> When a command is to be started by mod_fcgid, any options specified for
>> the command on this directive override those defined for the uri, vhost,
>> global, or the defaults.  When a wrapper is used, it is that wrapper which
>> must be specified on this directive.  This directive is not required unless
>> one or more options must be customized for a command.
>> Initially this would be allowed only in global sections.
>> InitialEnv can be repeated.
>> Regarding *class*:  Something is needed to disable or alter existing
>> management of applications based on their class.  Currently a class is
>> limited to the processes started by the same command within the same vhost
>> (except when ServerName isn't specified) with the same identity.
>> One possibility is to provide an option to ignore the vhost name when
>> managing the class (IgnoreVHost or ClassIsGlobal).  Another possibility is
>> to set the name of the class to be used in lieu of the virtual host
>> (ClassName foo), which could be used to the same effect but might be more
>> useful in the future when the process manager can see per-server configs
>> (for existing directives as well as FCGIDCommand).
>> None of this would affect the identity checks.  (Processes with different
>> uid/gid would never be considered to be in the same class.)
>>  This seems to offer all the features of mod_fastcgi process configuration
> and then go usefully beyond what mod_fastcgi does.

Thanks for looking.  Does anyone else care to comment?

> Is it possible to also ask for the fcgi process to be started before any
> request arrive?

Sure.  I guess there could be some "InitialProcesses n" option on this
directive.  (If this appears to be forgotten, open a bug at
https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/ and set the severity to "enhancement."
Product = Apache httpd-2, component = mod_fcgid.)

BTW, do you need to pre-spawn just on general principle (don't want any
initial delay), or is the on-demand spawning not aggressive enough, such
that it takes too long to create an adequate number of application

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