Michael Felt wrote:

> New question: that will mean homework I suspect.
> As I mentioned before, I am interested in creating a build that other
> people could install. Having one is the only way to see how big a need,
> if any exists, for a prebuilt AIX opensource httpd server.
> I suppose I could go for a RPM build - maybe all I need is on AIX by
> default, and perhaos it is the first step to learning what needs to be
> done.
> My preference is to create a .bff (or installp) format.
> I have found the build/rpm directory, and what seems to be the actual
> file intended: ./httpd.spec
> Question is: How do I use this file, and maybe modify it, to create a
> specification for an AIX binary distribution?

The basic pattern for rpm is that if a file called <tarballname>.spec
exists in the tarball, then that spec file is used as a recipe to build
the RPM when you go rpmbuild -tb <tarball>.tar.bz2.

The recipe contains three things, metadata about the package (name,
version, description, other stuff), scripts used to build the package
and perform pre and post installation, and a list of files in the rpm.

The buildconf script builds the httpd.spec file from httpd.spec.in,
inserting the version number and other details into the file. The result
is that when a tarball is rolled, a file called httpd.spec exists in the
right place containing the right names, MMNs and version numbers.

Do you have an example of how a .bff file is built?


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