I have configure with a limit of 16 processes but have 17 running and logs claiming 16 running.


httpd.conf fcgid config lines:

FcgidCmdOptions /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmauthorizer.fcgi MaxProcesses 16 IOTimeout 200 FcgidCmdOptions /usr/local/onelan/html/dsm.fcgi MaxProcesses 16 IOTimeout 200 FcgidCmdOptions /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi MaxProcesses 16 IOTimeout 200

error_log has these messages repeating:

[Wed Oct 21 11:50:28 2009] [notice] mod_fcgid: too many /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi processes (current:16, max:16), skip the spawn request [Wed Oct 21 11:50:28 2009] [notice] mod_fcgid: too many /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi processes (current:16, max:16), skip the spawn request

"ps afx" show that there are 17 dsmxml.fcgi processes:

17935 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd.worker
17937 ? S 0:00 \_ /usr/local/onelan/dsm/bin/vpn_lookup_ip_address 17938 ? S 0:00 \_ /usr/local/onelan/dsm/bin/vpn_lookup_ip_address
17939 ?        S      0:01  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd.worker
18043 ?        Sl     1:55  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18052 ?        Sl     0:03  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18053 ?        Sl     0:37  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsm.fcgi
18054 ?        Sl     2:02  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18062 ?        Sl     0:34  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsm.fcgi
18075 ?        S      0:00  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmauthorizer.fcgi
18076 ?        S      0:00  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmauthorizer.fcgi
18077 ?        S      0:00  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmauthorizer.fcgi
18084 ?        Sl     1:00  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18085 ?        Sl     0:53  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18090 ?        Sl     1:04  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18091 ?        Sl     1:07  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18096 ?        Sl     1:07  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18098 ?        Sl     0:57  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18099 ?        Sl     1:05  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18153 ?        Sl     0:31  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18156 ?        Sl     0:32  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18170 ?        Sl     0:25  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18178 ?        Sl     0:22  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18186 ?        Sl     0:19  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18187 ?        Sl     0:20  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
18192 ?        Sl     0:18  |   \_ /usr/local/onelan/html/dsmxml.fcgi
17940 ?        Sl     0:20  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd.worker

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