Gregg L. Smith schrieb:
> Lars Eilebrecht wrote:
>> Or just use the 2.2 modules with 2.4.
> It was just my recent findings with 2.3.3-alpha that this will not work.
> If the APR 1.4(?) that was in httpd-2.3.3-alpha-deps.tar.gz is anything
> close to what will be shipped with 2.4 then no, this may not work. I had
> to rebuild all my 3rd party modules against this version to get them to
> run.
> with mod_imagemap 2.2.14
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> httpd: Syntax error on line 99 of /Apache23/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load
> /Apache23/modules/mod_imagemap.so into server: The specified procedure
> could not be found.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> To me the easiest solution to gauge the use of these module is to simply
> accidentally (on purpose) remove them from 2.2.15 and see how many
> people complain. If no one does, it can then be deemed safe to remove,
> if you get flooded with complaints, then you will know maybe one or both
> should not be. Personally, I use neither of them.
> Just my thoughts,
> Gregg

I have now read all the discussion about this, but still I have not got
the sense behind removing these modules at all. What is so bad with
keeping them in the sources? Why do you all care that much for removing
two modules which were not modified for years, so make practically zero
work with maintainance? It cant be the 5kb compressed size of them, or?


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