On Sun, 10 Jan 2010, Graham Leggett wrote:

- In ap_cache_try_lock - do we really need the hashed directories
hardwired?  I thought most modern filesystems had abandoned
linear search, so that kind of thing is redundant!
At least make it optional - perhaps an additional arg to
the Cachelock directive.

I was trying to avoid yet-another-directive. The locks files are very
short lived, so there should be few of them at any given time. Is it
reasonable to assume that no modern platforms suffer linear search?
(*cough* Windows *cough* :) ).

In general, the defaults for the hashed dirs (for mod_disk_cache at least) are awesomely insane. You generally end up with one file in each directory, even for a cache filesystem with lots and lots of files. CacheDirLength 1 and CacheDirLevels 2 gives 4096 directories (64^2), which should be enough for most sites/filesystems.

Also, the default of removing the cache directories makes no sense. If you need to remove it you shouldn't have needed to create it in the first place.

That said, I don't think it would be a good idea to remove it entirely. Having a sane amount of files in a directory is rather nice if you happen to do ls or something in it, amongst other things.

- Do we need to use lock files like this?  Not I think in
every case: with mod_disk_cache we already have files we
could lock (and create if they don't already exist).

This is how I started to look at the problem, but I discovered there is
ultimately no overlap between the thundering herd lock and
mod_disk_cache. The thundering herd lock locks URLs right at the start
of the request, while mod_disk_cache decides to cache and create files
at the very end of the request. If we tried to lock cache files in
mod_disk_cache, we would still leave a wide gap of time between the
start of the request and the time the backend server sent a response,
which in many cases can be many hundreds of milliseconds later, and
enough to allow hundreds or thousands of requests through depending on load.

You might remember my mod_disk_cache jumbopatch that works around the same issue (and more). There were a number of odd issues I had to sidestep in a rather ugly way, and even though it does its job beautifully the code is hairy and bloated.

I'm no fan of lock files, but this seems to be a more elegant way to do this than patching things up in mod_disk_cache. As it's only runtime metadata, the performance inclined might want to put them into a tmpfs/ram filesystem.

- Your ELSE clause (cache_util, line 623) for requests
for a stale object that is being refreshed by another
request serves the stale object and adds a warning.
Is this the best thing to do?  What about waiting for
the file to be fetched?  Should still be quicker than
going to the backend in parallel with the other request.

If the lock kept you waiting for 1000 milliseconds, and 1000 requests
arrived in that time[1], you could very quickly tie up all the httpd
children and start rejecting requests. As we have a stale cached copy of
the request at hand, we might as well serve the stale copy in the mean
time and shed those 1000 requests, rather than leaving them backed up
behind us.

[1] These are the kinds of numbers we have in the environment we have
that needed the thundering herd lock.

We can see similar bursts upon an Ubuntu/Firefox release, and we're dealing with rather large files. OK, most of the burstyness are due to download-managers trying to spawn gazillions of connections, but the issue is indeed real.

 Niklas Edmundsson, Admin @ {acc,hpc2n}.umu.se      |     ni...@acc.umu.se
 Take pot to the beach; leave no tern unstoned.

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