On 3/3/2010 4:04 PM, Mladen Turk wrote:
> while [ true ];
> do
> echo R | openssl s_client -connect host:port &
> done
> Not only it will kill the server, but it will kill your box as well :)

That's what IP tables is for.  It's no different than

> while [ true ];
> do
> echo "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1" | openssl s_client -connect host:port &
> done

demonstrating that your DoS concern is unfounded.

The hang *does* timeout, doesn't it?

I'm not arguing against a fix, I'm disputing your allegation of a DoS.

> Seriously, I was hoping 0.9.8m will reject legacy clients,
> but it seems that's not the case or we are doing something wrong in
> mod_ssl.

It rejects the renegotation.  It is the callers responsibility to continue
or die.  Dr Henson's suggested approach is that we drop the timeout to
some 5 seconds or less, in this case, until they resume the connection.

Assorted clients are known to trigger a renegotiation periodically (expired
their session?) and to not die but alert-and-continue helps this phone-browser

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