Oh, I see. I guess my next question is how the issue fixed in trunk gets proposed in the STATUS list. I submitted a patch that was added to trunk, but am unsure if there is any additional action to take on my part.

Also, is this information or process noted anywhere? I apologize for polluting the general mailing list with basic process questions.

Daniel Ruggeri

Sander Temme wrote:
On Apr 20, 2010, at 12:41 PM, Daniel Ruggeri wrote:

Hi all;
 I have a little confusion regarding the FixedInTrunk keyword when applied to a 
bug. What does it mean? My assumption is that it means that the code changes 
needed to fix the bug have been committed to the source repository and the fix 
will be available in the next stable release. Once that happens, the bug will 
be closed. Is this accurate?

That's not how I read it. The current stable releases are taken from the 2.2.x branch. Issues fixed in trunk are proposed for backport in the STATUS file:

and backported once they collect the requisite three +1 votes. A FixedInTrunk keyword would allow you to take the fix and backport it on your own, ahead of any activity by the httpd project, should you have a need to do so.

Thank you for your time answering my simple question
-Daniel Ruggeri

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