On 3 Jun 2010, at 16:12, Sander Temme wrote:

> Should we have a "how do YOU use Apache" checkpoint with our community to see 
> how our users are actually deploying the server? 
> I have a feeling many people just use their distro package, which means our 
> discussions on what ./configure ... does has a different primary audience 
> than we might think. 

I have a feeling that won't really help with our defaults.  Those who respond 
be a self-selecting sample, and totally biased towards those admins who are
capable of cooking their own configurations.

> We could launch an e-mail discussion, or setup a Survey Monkey (but keep it 
> SHORT!!!) or something like that. 

A multiple-choice list of scenarios might tell us something.  But perhaps better
if it can grow organically, through a potted-configs subproject?

Nick Kew

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