Hello Rainer,

Sorry for my not being clear enough, these numbers need to change. It sure 
would make it easier.

mod_fcgid/2.3.6 is what I was talking about.

However, something was pointed out to me by Mario Brandt regarding mod_fcgid 
and graceful restarts on Windows. We've been here before back with 
mod_fcgid/2.2 and it seems the proposed changes never made it in before 
mod_fcgid was donated to the ASF, I can see the old code in fcgid_pm_win.c and 
fcgid_pm_main.c. I need to do some digging to find the old bug reports of Tom 
Donovan's, who supplied the patch to fix them that I am looking at. The fix has 
been well tested by people at the Apache Lounge and in some cases I'd imagine 
still in use today.



Original Message -----------------------
On 01.07.2010 04:23, Gregg L. Smith wrote:
> Speaking of 2.3.6, it would be nice to see it soonish too? Looking at
> changes there are not a lot of them but the segfault is a bear, and it
> brings downs Apache. It's been six months as well, seems a perfect
> reason for a release.

Not sure what you mean here. Version 2.3.6 alpha has been released on
June 21st.



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