Hi all,

  Basic question on the ProxyTimeout for mod_proxy_http.   Is it:
    - first byte?
    - last byte?

  My guess is that it's a first byte timeout based upon this:

 * Setup socket timeout for the specified socket
 * @param sock The socket to set up.
 * @param t Value for the timeout.
 * <PRE>
 *   t > 0  -- read and write calls return APR_TIMEUP if specified time
 *             elapsess with no data read or written
 *   t == 0 -- read and write calls never block
 *   t < 0  -- read and write calls block
 * </PRE>
APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_socket_timeout_set(apr_socket_t *sock,
                                                 apr_interval_time_t t);


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