Sensible suggestion, provided it doesn't cause incompatibility with the
previous versions; I'd have to test that.  In any case, you were looking
for the dev@ list, since this is a suggestion about the httpd code :)

On 8/17/2010 12:57 PM, MegaBrutal wrote:
> Hello,
> I noticed that after I restart my system, there are signs that Apache
> was shut down uncleanly ( stays there, error.log doesn't
> contain data on exiting). I also see a warning in my error.log, like:
> [Tue Aug 17 18:43:06 2010] [warn] pid file C:/Program Files/Apache
> Software Foundation/Apache2.2/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean
> shutdown of previous Apache run?
> Note that I always shut down my computer cleanly. On a clean shutdown,
> services should exit cleanly as well, but Apache doesn't.
> Indeed, when I issue an "sc query Apache2.2" command, I see the following:
> SERVICE_NAME: Apache2.2
>         TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
>         STATE              : 4  RUNNING
>                                 (STOPPABLE,NOT_PAUSABLE,IGNORES_SHUTDOWN)
>         WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
>         SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
>         CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
>         WAIT_HINT          : 0x0
> It says, the Apache service ignores shutdown - it lets itself
> terminated by Windows uncleanly. I've downloaded the source code, and
> I've found the problem in /server/mpm/winnt/service.c, in function
> "ReportStatusToSCMgr" and "service_nt_ctrl".
> I wouldn't like to mess around and making a patch, so I supply what
> would need to be changed here:
> This line in "ReportStatusToSCMgr":
> globdat.ssStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP;
> Should be replaced with this:
> globdat.ssStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP |
> This line in "service_nt_ctrl":
> if (dwCtrlCode == SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP)
> Should be replaced with:
> if ((dwCtrlCode == SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP) || (dwCtrlCode ==
> only supported in Windows Vista and above, however AFAIK earlier
> Windows versions just ignore it. So it wouldn't cause compatibility
> problems. On Vista & 7, the service would be shut down by a
> PRESHUTDOWN; on XP and earlier, it would be shut down by a SHUTDOWN.
> If you wouldn't like to use PRESHUTDOWN, it's OK, I just suggest it,
> because I noticed that it takes several seconds for Apache to shut
> down, so where possible, I'd start it earlier (that's the purpose of
> PRESHUTDOWN) to make sure that Apache won't run out of time.
> If you'd really like me to make a patch, then I will, but first I
> posted it here - it's just a minor modification, maybe it would be
> easier to add for someone who already set up their system to compile
> Apache on Windows, and doesn't always forget the proper "diff" command
> that makes proper patches. ;) But still, if you don't feel like to do
> it, I'll make a patch and also test the feature, if you promise you'd
> include it in the next release.
> Best regards,
> MegaBrutal
> P.S.: Ooops! Sorry, I was a bit outdated. I've just downloaded the
> 2.3.6-alpha source code, and I notice you've already added support for
> SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN. I don't feel like to recompose my e-mail
> after all. You could still consider adding SERVICE_CONTROL_PRESHUTDOWN
> then.
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