I just have a last question: what's the difference between theses results:

Time per request:       3426.206 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       342.621 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)

Thanks in advance!
Samuel ROZE.

2010/8/31 Samuel ROZE <samuel.r...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I'm using Apache-Benchmark to stats my applications performances. I
> want to create a graph, using GNUPlot and Apache Benchmark.
> The "-g" option create a file that I can load in GNUPlot. It works
> very well but requests times are cumulative values:
> 3150
> 3168
> 3172
> 3194
> 3203
> 3215
> 3220
> 3225
> 3227
> 3231
> I just want the real request time values, like that:
> 18
> 4
> 12
> 9
> 12
> 5
> ...
> Is it possible using Apache-Benchmark tool, or have I to use an other
> tool to transform values, like sed, awk... I tried with these tools
> but I failed. Is there a solution?
> NB: Should I change of mailing-list for questions like that? If yes, sorry...
> Regards,
> Samuel ROZE.

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