On 10/22/2010 4:57 PM, Nick Kew wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 18:56:55 -0500
> "William A. Rowe Jr." <wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:
>> Extending this is fine; extending it indefinitely isn't :)
>> How long would you like me to hold the vote open?  Happy to oblige.
> OK, I'm not going to be in a position to vote anytime soon
> (unless I find a firm reason to say -1).
> I'm finding it slower-than-anticipated progress, as I'm not
> getting useful messages in ftp_error_log (at LogLevel Debug).
> Not a showstopper to deployment, but a bit demotivating when
> I have no real use case for it.

Completely understandable.

I'm very interesting in your non-working config, and what you expected
vs. what the module was doing.  I just fixed a similarly confusing issue
when the merged server configs over-rode the document root (resulting in
an unrecognizable server_rec* that the core root lowport deamon would
justifiably throw away as some hacking attempt).  The error message gave
me no clue what had just happened, until I adjusted it for this release.

I'd like to add more helpful diagnostics, so the more information you
could provide on your initial attempt, the more I'm likely able to add
something useful for the next user who encounters the same trouble.

Thanks for taking a look!


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