On 2/4/2011 4:51 AM, Steve Hay wrote:
> The crash comes here (which is exactly where the Apache/mod_perl setup
> was crashing):
>>      msvcr100.dll!free(void * pBlock)  Line 51       C
>       msvcr100.dll!__crtsetenv(char * * poption, const int primary)
> Line 211 + 0xa bytes  C
>       msvcr100.dll!_putenv_helper(const char * name, const char *
> value)  Line 265 + 0xb bytes  C
>       msvcr100.dll!_putenv(const char * option)  Line 77 + 0xa bytes
> C
>       test.exe!main(int argc, char * * argv, char * * env)  Line 97 +
> 0xb bytes     C++
>       test.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()  Line 555 + 0x17 bytes     C
> Can anyone shed any light on what the problem is? In particular, can it
> be fixed (or at least worked around) in the Apache code, or is this a
> problem with msvcr100.dll?

Possibly foolish question, but are all of the components built on the
same MSVCRxxx compiler?  This is pretty typical of mismatch behavior,
where for example apr and msvcr90 set up the envvars and msvcr100 then
tries to free those allocations.

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