Thank you, I'll take a look into this today!

2011/3/10 zhiguo zhao <>:
> Hi,
>    Some days I post my first
> letter(
> in http-dev, but the letter can be send to every's box with some reason.,
>    And now I update mod_lua to support lua server scope with
> apr_reslist_apis, and I do some test with ab on my Pc.
>    I got better performance. (75 -> 227 -> 277)  #/s
>    Change please see patch file, I hope this patch can be merge in svn..  :)
> mod_lua in svn,head version
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1004962 $>
> Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
> Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation,
> Benchmarking localhost (be patient)
> Server Software:        Apache/2.3.12-dev
> Server Hostname:        localhost
> Server Port:            80
> Document Path:          /simple.lua
> Document Length:        9 bytes
> Concurrency Level:      50
> Time taken for tests:   13.310 seconds
> Complete requests:      1000
> Failed requests:        0
> Write errors:           0
> Total transferred:      164000 bytes
> HTML transferred:       9000 bytes
> Requests per second:    75.13 [#/sec] (mean)
> Time per request:       665.500 [ms] (mean)
> Time per request:       13.310 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
> Transfer rate:          12.03 [Kbytes/sec] received
> Connection Times (ms)
>               min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
> Connect:        0    1   0.5      1       5
> Processing:    89  662 1946.3    213    9253
> Waiting:       89  658 1938.1    212    9236
> Total:         90  662 1946.3    214    9253
> Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
>   50%    214
>   66%    221
>   75%    228
>   80%    235
>   90%    274
>   95%   9012
>   98%   9147
>   99%   9152
>  100%   9253 (longest request)
>  mod_lua updated, Lua_Scope is once
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1004962 $>
> Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
> Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation,
> Benchmarking localhost (be patient)
> Server Software:        Apache/2.3.12-dev
> Server Hostname:        localhost
> Server Port:            80
> Document Path:          /simple.lua
> Document Length:        9 bytes
> Concurrency Level:      50
> Time taken for tests:   4.393 seconds
> Complete requests:      1000
> Failed requests:        0
> Write errors:           0
> Total transferred:      164000 bytes
> HTML transferred:       9000 bytes
> Requests per second:    227.63 [#/sec] (mean)
> Time per request:       219.650 [ms] (mean)
> Time per request:       4.393 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
> Transfer rate:          36.46 [Kbytes/sec] received
> Connection Times (ms)
>               min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
> Connect:        0    1   0.9      1      14
> Processing:    58  215  34.1    216     317
> Waiting:       56  210  36.6    214     314
> Total:         59  216  34.1    217     318
> Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
>   50%    217
>   66%    227
>   75%    235
>   80%    240
>   90%    251
>   95%    265
>   98%    282
>   99%    301
>  100%    318 (longest request)
> mod_lua updated, with Lua_Scope server 10 50
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1004962 $>
> Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
> Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation,
> Benchmarking localhost (be patient)
> Server Software:        Apache/2.3.12-dev
> Server Hostname:        localhost
> Server Port:            80
> Document Path:          /simple.lua
> Document Length:        9 bytes
> Concurrency Level:      50
> Time taken for tests:   3.606 seconds
> Complete requests:      1000
> Failed requests:        0
> Write errors:           0
> Total transferred:      164000 bytes
> HTML transferred:       9000 bytes
> Requests per second:    277.32 [#/sec] (mean)
> Time per request:       180.300 [ms] (mean)
> Time per request:       3.606 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
> Transfer rate:          44.41 [Kbytes/sec] received
> Connection Times (ms)
>               min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
> Connect:        0    1   0.6      1       7
> Processing:    43  176  24.9    175     272
> Waiting:       36  174  27.3    173     262
> Total:         44  177  24.9    176     272
> Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
>   50%    176
>   66%    184
>   75%    189
>   80%    192
>   90%    201
>   95%    216
>   98%    233
>   99%    242
>  100%    272 (longest request)
> ----------------------------------patch
> file---------------------------------------------------------
> Index: lua_vmprep.c
> ===================================================================
> --- lua_vmprep.c (版本 1080084)
> +++ lua_vmprep.c (工作副本)
> @@ -288,79 +288,141 @@
>  #endif
> -AP_LUA_DECLARE(lua_State*)ap_lua_get_lua_state(apr_pool_t *lifecycle_pool,
> -                                               ap_lua_vm_spec *spec,
> -                                               apr_array_header_t
> *package_paths,
> -                                               apr_array_header_t
> *package_cpaths,
> -                                               ap_lua_state_open_callback
> cb,
> -                                               void *btn)
> +static apr_status_t vm_construct(void **vm, void *params, apr_pool_t
> *lifecycle_pool)
>  {
> + ap_lua_vm_spec *spec = params;
> -    lua_State *L;
> -
> -    if (!apr_pool_userdata_get((void **) &L, spec->file, lifecycle_pool)) {
> -        ap_log_perror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, lifecycle_pool,
> -                      "creating lua_State with file %s", spec->file);
> -        /* not available, so create */
> -        L = luaL_newstate();
> + lua_State* L = luaL_newstate();
> -        luaopen_jit(L);
> + luaopen_jit(L);
>  #endif
> -        luaL_openlibs(L);
> -        if (package_paths) {
> -            munge_path(L, "path", "?.lua", "./?.lua", lifecycle_pool,
> -                       package_paths, spec->file);
> -        }
> -        if (package_cpaths) {
> -            munge_path(L, "cpath", "?.so", "./?.so", lifecycle_pool,
> -                       package_cpaths, spec->file);
> -        }
> + luaL_openlibs(L);
> + if (spec->package_paths) {
> + munge_path(L, "path", "?.lua", "./?.lua", lifecycle_pool,
> + spec->package_paths, spec->file);
> + }
> + if (spec->package_cpaths) {
> + munge_path(L, "cpath", "?.so", "./?.so", lifecycle_pool,
> + spec->package_cpaths, spec->file);
> + }
> -        if (cb) {
> -            cb(L, lifecycle_pool, btn);
> -        }
> + if (spec->cb) {
> + spec->cb(L, lifecycle_pool, spec->cb_arg);
> + }
> -        apr_pool_userdata_set(L, spec->file, &cleanup_lua, lifecycle_pool);
> -        if (spec->bytecode && spec->bytecode_len > 0) {
> -            luaL_loadbuffer(L, spec->bytecode, spec->bytecode_len,
> spec->file);
> -            lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0);
> -        }
> -        else {
> -            int rc;
> -            ap_log_perror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, lifecycle_pool,
> -                          "loading lua file %s", spec->file);
> -            rc = luaL_loadfile(L, spec->file);
> -            if (rc != 0) {
> -                char *err;
> -                switch (rc) {
> -                case LUA_ERRSYNTAX:
> -                    err = "syntax error";
> -                    break;
> -                case LUA_ERRMEM:
> -                    err = "memory allocation error";
> -                    break;
> -                case LUA_ERRFILE:
> -                    err = "error opening or reading file";
> -                    break;
> -                default:
> -                    err = "unknown error";
> -                    break;
> -                }
> -                ap_log_perror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, lifecycle_pool,
> -                              "Loading lua file %s: %s",
> -                              spec->file, err);
> -                return NULL;
> -            }
> -            lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0);
> -        }
> + if (spec->bytecode && spec->bytecode_len > 0) {
> + luaL_loadbuffer(L, spec->bytecode, spec->bytecode_len, spec->file);
> + lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0);
> + }
> + else {
> + int rc;
> + ap_log_perror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, lifecycle_pool,
> + "loading lua file %s", spec->file);
> + rc = luaL_loadfile(L, spec->file);
> + if (rc != 0) {
> + char *err;
> + switch (rc) {
> + err = "syntax error";
> + break;
> + case LUA_ERRMEM:
> + err = "memory allocation error";
> + break;
> + case LUA_ERRFILE:
> + err = "error opening or reading file";
> + break;
> + default:
> + err = "unknown error";
> + break;
> + }
> + ap_log_perror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, lifecycle_pool,
> + "Loading lua file %s: %s",
> + spec->file, err);
> + return APR_EBADF;
> + }
> + lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0);
> + }
> -        loadjitmodule(L, lifecycle_pool);
> + loadjitmodule(L, lifecycle_pool);
>  #endif
> -        lua_pushlightuserdata(L, lifecycle_pool);
> -        lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "Apache2.Wombat.pool");
> -    }
> + lua_pushlightuserdata(L, lifecycle_pool);
> + lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "Apache2.Wombat.pool");
> + *vm = L;
> + return APR_SUCCESS;
> +}
> +
> +static apr_status_t vm_destruct(void *vm, void *params, apr_pool_t *pool)
> +{
> + lua_State *L = (lua_State *)vm;
> +
> + (void*)params;
> + (void*)pool;
> +
> + cleanup_lua(L);
> +
> + return APR_SUCCESS;
> +}
> +
> +static apr_status_t vm_release(lua_State* vm)
> +{
> + apr_reslist_t* reslist;
> + lua_pushlightuserdata(vm,vm);
> + lua_rawget(vm,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
> + reslist = (apr_reslist_t*)lua_topointer(vm,-1);
> +
> + return apr_reslist_release(reslist, vm);
> +}
> +
> +static apr_status_t vm_reslist_destroy(void *data)
> +{
> + return apr_reslist_destroy(data);
> +}
> +
> +AP_LUA_DECLARE(lua_State*)ap_lua_get_lua_state(apr_pool_t *lifecycle_pool,
> +                                               ap_lua_vm_spec *spec)
> +{
> +    lua_State *L = NULL;
> +
> + if (spec->scope == APL_SCOPE_SERVER) {
> + apr_reslist_t *reslist;
> +
> + if (apr_pool_userdata_get(&reslist,"mod_lua",spec->pool)==APR_SUCCESS) {
> + if(reslist==NULL) {
> + if(apr_reslist_create(&reslist,
> + spec->vm_server_pool_min,
> + spec->vm_server_pool_max,
> + spec->vm_server_pool_max,
> + 0,
> + vm_construct,
> + vm_destruct,
> + spec,
> + spec->pool)!=APR_SUCCESS)
> + return NULL;
> +
> + apr_pool_userdata_set(reslist, "mod_lua", vm_reslist_destroy, spec->pool);
> + }
> + apr_reslist_acquire(reslist, &L);
> + lua_pushlightuserdata(L, L);
> + lua_pushlightuserdata(L, reslist);
> + lua_rawset(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
> + apr_pool_userdata_set(L, spec->file, vm_release, lifecycle_pool);
> + }
> + } else {
> + if (apr_pool_userdata_get((void **) &L, spec->file,
> lifecycle_pool)==APR_SUCCESS) {
> +
> + if(L==NULL) {
> + ap_log_perror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, lifecycle_pool,
> + "creating lua_State with file %s", spec->file);
> + /* not available, so create */
> +
> + if(!vm_construct(&L, spec, lifecycle_pool))
> + apr_pool_userdata_set(L, spec->file, &cleanup_lua, lifecycle_pool);
> + }
> + }
> + }
> +
>      return L;
>  }
> Index: lua_vmprep.h
> ===================================================================
> --- lua_vmprep.h (版本 1080084)
> +++ lua_vmprep.h (工作副本)
> @@ -43,7 +43,24 @@
>  #define APL_SCOPE_CONN          3
>  #define APL_SCOPE_SERVER        4
> +
>  /**
> + * the ap_lua_?getvm family of functions is used to create and/or obtain
> + * a handle to a lua state. If there is not an extant vm matching the
> + * spec then a new one is created.
> + */
> +/* lua_State* ap_lua_rgetvm(request_rec *r, ap_lua_vm_spec *spec); */
> +
> +/* returns NULL if the spec requires a request scope */
> +/* lua_State* ap_lua_cgetvm(conn_rec *r, ap_lua_vm_spec *spec);*/
> +
> +/* returns NULL if the spec requires a request scope or conn scope */
> +/* lua_State* ap_lua_sgetvm(server_rec *r, ap_lua_vm_spec *spec); */
> +
> +typedef void (*ap_lua_state_open_callback) (lua_State *L, apr_pool_t *p,
> +                                             void *ctx);
> +
> +/**
>   * Specification for a lua virtual machine
>   */
>  typedef struct
> @@ -61,7 +78,11 @@
>      int scope;
> + unsigned int vm_server_pool_min;
> + unsigned int vm_server_pool_max;
> + ap_lua_state_open_callback cb;
> + void* cb_arg;
>      /* pool to use for lifecycle if APL_SCOPE_ONCE is set, otherwise unused
> */
>      apr_pool_t *pool;
> @@ -102,22 +123,6 @@
>   */
>  AP_LUA_DECLARE(void) ap_lua_load_apache2_lmodule(lua_State *L);
> -/**
> - * the ap_lua_?getvm family of functions is used to create and/or obtain
> - * a handle to a lua state. If there is not an extant vm matching the
> - * spec then a new one is created.
> - */
> -/* lua_State* ap_lua_rgetvm(request_rec *r, ap_lua_vm_spec *spec); */
> -
> -/* returns NULL if the spec requires a request scope */
> -/* lua_State* ap_lua_cgetvm(conn_rec *r, ap_lua_vm_spec *spec);*/
> -
> -/* returns NULL if the spec requires a request scope or conn scope */
> -/* lua_State* ap_lua_sgetvm(server_rec *r, ap_lua_vm_spec *spec); */
> -
> -typedef void (*ap_lua_state_open_callback) (lua_State *L, apr_pool_t *p,
> -                                             void *ctx);
> -
>  /*
>   * alternate means of getting lua_State (preferred eventually)
>   * Obtain a lua_State which has loaded file and is associated with
> lifecycle_pool
> @@ -131,11 +136,7 @@
>   * @ctx a baton passed to cb
>   */
>  AP_LUA_DECLARE(lua_State*) ap_lua_get_lua_state(apr_pool_t *lifecycle_pool,
> -                                                ap_lua_vm_spec *spec,
> -                                                apr_array_header_t
> *package_paths,
> -                                                apr_array_header_t
> *package_cpaths,
> -                                                ap_lua_state_open_callback
> cb,
> -                                                void *btn);
> +                                                ap_lua_vm_spec *spec);
> Index: mod_lua.c
> ===================================================================
> --- mod_lua.c (版本 1080084)
> +++ mod_lua.c (工作副本)
> @@ -121,9 +121,15 @@
>              d = apr_palloc(r->pool, sizeof(mapped_request_details));
>              spec = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ap_lua_vm_spec));
>              spec->scope = dcfg->vm_scope;
> -            spec->pool = r->pool;
> + spec->pool = spec->scope==APL_SCOPE_SERVER ? cfg->pool : r->pool;
>              spec->file = r->filename;
>              spec->code_cache_style = dcfg->code_cache_style;
> + spec->package_paths = cfg->package_paths;
> + spec->package_cpaths = cfg->package_cpaths;
> + spec->vm_server_pool_min = cfg->vm_server_pool_min;
> + spec->vm_server_pool_max = cfg->vm_server_pool_max;
> + spec->cb = &lua_open_callback;
> + spec->cb_arg = NULL;
>              d->spec = spec;
>              d->function_name = "handle";
>          }
> @@ -135,10 +141,7 @@
>                        d->spec->file,
>                        d->function_name);
>          L = ap_lua_get_lua_state(r->pool,
> -                              d->spec,
> -                              cfg->package_paths,
> -                              cfg->package_cpaths,
> -                              &lua_open_callback, NULL);
> +                              d->spec);
>          if (!L) {
>              /* TODO annotate spec with failure reason */
> @@ -246,17 +249,20 @@
>              spec->file = hook_spec->file_name;
>              spec->code_cache_style = hook_spec->code_cache_style;
>              spec->scope = hook_spec->scope;
> + spec->vm_server_pool_min = cfg->vm_server_pool_min;
> + spec->vm_server_pool_max = cfg->vm_server_pool_max;
>              spec->bytecode = hook_spec->bytecode;
>              spec->bytecode_len = hook_spec->bytecode_len;
> -            spec->pool = r->pool;
> +            spec->pool = spec->scope==APL_SCOPE_SERVER ? cfg->pool :
> r->pool;
> + spec->package_paths = cfg->package_paths;
> + spec->package_cpaths = cfg->package_cpaths;
> + spec->cb = &lua_open_callback;
> + spec->cb_arg = NULL;
>              apr_filepath_merge(&spec->file, server_cfg->root_path,
>                                 spec->file, APR_FILEPATH_NOTRELATIVE,
> r->pool);
>              L = ap_lua_get_lua_state(r->pool,
> -                                  spec,
> -                                  cfg->package_paths,
> -                                  cfg->package_cpaths,
> -                                  &lua_open_callback, NULL);
> +                                  spec);

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