Does anyone have any ideas on this? According to the docs It is supposed to


On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Damon Green <> wrote:

> Hi Folks, I posted this question on users but haven't had any joy there,
> hoping someone here may know more.
> I have an issue with mod_cache, it refuses to cache redirects (301) and
> insists on cacheing 404 error responses, so really two issues.
> I'm using Apache 2.2.17 and the mod_cache/mod_disk_cache from Apache 2.3
> which serves stale content from its disk cache when the Tomcat is
> unavailable. (patched version from Graham Leggett)
> Trawling the list archives and docos imply that 404 responses should not be
> cached, and that 30x responses should be, but the behaviour I'm seeing is
> the opposite of that.
> I need 301 redirects to remain working (from the cache) when we disable
> Tomcat.
> To test this Ive created a rewrite rule in the Apache conf:
> RewriteRule ^/damon/(.*) [R=301,L]
> Then cleared the cache, hit a page in /damon/, got redirected, nothing
> created in the disk cache.
> any 200 or 404 however creates files in the cache.
> # The response must have a HTTP status code of 200, 203, 300, 301 or 410.
> This is largely a function 13.4 in the RFC:
>    A response received with a status code of 200, 203, 206, 300, 301 or
>    410 MAY be stored by a cache and used in reply to a subsequent
>    request, subject to the expiration mechanism, unless a cache-control
>    directive prohibits caching. However, a cache that does not support
>    the Range and Content-Range headers MUST NOT cache 206 (Partial
>    Content) responses.
> Any advice or ideas gratefully received.
> Regards,
> Damon Green.

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