On 24.05.2011 10:23, Issac Goldstand wrote:
> A feature that I've kinda wanted for a long time has been the ability to
> alias and/or extend existing virtualhosts.  Previously, this was just a
> minor pain that usually just came up when setting up a website with dual
> http and https.  It was a bit more of a pain if the virtualhost config
> needed substantially more than servername, documentroot and maybe logs
> and scriptalias.
> Lately I've started adding native IPv6 support to many of my websites,
> and given that now I occasionally have to manage the same config lines 4
> times, the annoyance factor's gotten big enough to get me to stop
> whining and start coding.
> I had 4 ideas so far, and wanted to hear some feedback.
> The first idea is Lua, but IMHO (and I imagine that a LOT of you will
> disagree), lua configs aren't really going anywhere (and won't until not
> only we start using it in the default configs, but also downstream
> vendors keep it in THEIR default configs).
> My second idea was to add a feature allowing you to "tag" a virtualhost
> with a unique string.  Later you can "import" all of those settings into
> somewhere else.  An example would be:
> <VirtualHost foo:bar name>
> ...
> <VirtualHost baz>
> ApplyNamedSetting name
> ...

I like the next more, but in light of your reply to "include" I'm not
sure what you get w.r.t. maintainability compared with includes.

> or maybe the tagging would be with a directive like:
> <VirtualHost foo:bar>
> TagNamedSetting name
> My third thought was similar.  Create a new settings container, and
> allow that to be used as a macro anywhere else:
> <NamedSettings name>
> SomeOption
> SomeOtherOption
> </NamedSettings>
> ...
> (anywhere else in httpd.conf)
> ApplyNamedSettings Name

Do you know about mod_macro?


It exists since a long time and is pretty stable. Might need some update
for 2.3/2.4.

> My fourth idea was to allow nested virtualhosts (innermost ones get
> settings from outer ones merged in), but I didn't like it as much
> because my gut says it's not a simple enough solution (KISS).
> <VirtualHost ::1>
> <VirtualHost blabla>
> ServerName bla
> DocumentRoot /foo
> <VirtualHost blabla:443>
> SSLEngine On
> ...
> </VirtualHost>
> </VirtualHost>
> </VirtualHost>
> Thoughts?

That sounds more like a grouping container for VirtualHost, e.g.



<VirtualHost blabla>
ServerName bla
DocumentRoot /foo
<VirtualHost blabla:443>
SSLEngine On


But then again very soon you end up with different orthogonal feature
sets you want to assign to vhosts and a simple grouping will no longe
suffice (feature sets A and B can lead to vhosts needing A, needing B,
needing A+B or none). So I think including per VHost still makes more
sense and macros are even better, because they let you parametrize the
included part and thus often the config gets more compact.



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