Dear users,

I have one simple question.
Is there any possibility how to "call" module from the another module?

Let's say that my module is used for checking whether user is logged,
session is expired, etc.
When all those tests are satisfied then URL which was checked by my
module is redirect to another module e.g proxy?

https://<IP_address>/APPL1 should be authenticated by my own
proprietary module and when this is successed then it is redirect to
proxy defined in /etc/apache/conf/my_conf.conf file

<VirtualHost _default_:443>
SSLEngine on
SSLProxyEngine on
ProxyRequests Off
TraceEnable Off

<Proxy *>
    AuthType SEC_CHECK
    require valid-user
    satisfy Any

ProxyPass /APPL1
ProxyPassReverse /APPL1

AuthType in my module SEC_CHECK is defined so:
r->ap_auth_type = SECURITY_AUTH_CHECK
Is this "behaviour" possible?

Best Regards / S pozdravem
Petr Hracek

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