
How do we wrap this up in what remains of the (US) day ? 

I can have ready a final draft or a 'more mitigation' draft  - of the stay 
tuned type. 

Since Advisory update-2 I gotten about 5 emails with helpful (but small) 
improvements for what we have; 3 with some detailed feedback - and a lot of 
reports that the fixes are good enough for most. But nothing major.

So the only reason to sent out a update rather than a final would be that we 
expect the final one to be 24+ hours -- OR if we expect the final one to be 
hard for admins to roll (which we have no indication of).

Correct ?

What are people their thoughts ? Fair to assume we can have in the next 6 to 12 

-       Patch for 2.2 well tested

-       Backport for 2.0 - ideally well tested too 

Or do we need to roll a complete version (guess not) ? Any verbiage to include 
on this fix not being the final one (IMHO no - IETF pointer is good enough).

Who is in the right timezone to carry the ball the last few meters over the 
finish line?



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