Am 03.11.2011 20:36, schrieb Jim Jagielski:
fwiw: I can recreate this at will...

The setup: the jenkins-cli jarfile with Jenkins running in
Winstone/Jetty/Tomcat/JBoss/Doesn'tMatter and Apache frontending
Jenkins with a ProxyPass.

Trying to access Jenkins thru Apache via:

    java jenkins-cli.jar -s

will cause this to happen. The CLI tries to setup a full duplex
link thru apache and when creating the upload channel, apache
will fail with the EAGAIN.

If using haproxy as a front end, the cli works... it ignores the
initial timeout/eagain on the socket and then goes ahead and
reads... you do see the delay, but after the delay, the connection
goes thru.

Hm. Shouldn't the client send an Expect: 100 continue here if it does
not intend to sent the body immediately with the request?
Looks like the current client behaviour is not bug free either
(which does not mean that we should do nothing on httpd side to fix this).



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