On Nov 11, 2011, at 4:25 AM, Graham Leggett wrote:

> My moon-on-a-stick would be for this to be ap_mpm_poll_connections() instead, 
> and allow the option to add extra connections to the poll (for something like 
> mod_proxy and friends, with the option to have each of these extra 
> connections removed by registering a pool cleanup appropriately). In theory, 
> ap_mpm_poll_connections() would return the connection that triggered the 
> event somehow.


> Some thoughts about async SSL handling, specifically SSL_read or SSL_write 
> returning WANTSREAD or WANTSWRITE, in theory EAGAIN just means "call me 
> again", but if there was a way to express "call me again when ready to read" 
> (EREADAGAIN), or "call me again when ready to write" (EWRITEAGAIN) we can do 
> proper async SSL. Not sure how that would fit in with the stuff above?

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