On 11/16/2011 2:28 AM, Igor Galić wrote:
> I really like the basic outline, but what I feel is missing, is the
> notion of watching $issuetracker. Often we have patches getting lost
> in there. So our patch manager should also look out for $PATCH issues
> and make sure they are followed up, or assigned, or whatever.

Yes, agreed - we always do ask for an issue to be opened up, but
sometimes those can also fall through the cracks, too. The first part of
the email seems pretty straight forward since we don't seem to really
get many emails on dev@ containing patches that don't end up with an
associated issue. Having a "bugzilla cop" to identify duplicate issues,
pester the dev list about lingering issues, provide gentle reminders of
issues in progress if they stall, close out "junk" and "how to" tickets
and even bring up issues opened in the tracker that never had a
corresponding dev discussion would be pretty great.

I'm more than happy to help in this role, but don't always consistently
have the time available to keep as sharp an eye on the tracker as I
would like.

Daniel Ruggeri

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