2011/12/8 Rui Hu <tchrb...@gmail.com>

> Is $DOCUMENT_ROOT in php-cgi determined by ap_add_common_vars() in Apache?
> It seems not to me. I commented the line 237 assigning DOCUMENT_ROOT and
> re-compiled apache. php-cgi still works fine. It seems that $DUCUMENT_ROOT
> in php-cgi is not determined by this function.
> I looked up php's code, php-cgi gets DOCUMENT_ROOT in following codes:
> value = lstFset_get(rc->t->vars, "docroot");
> if (value != NULL)
>       php_register_variable("DOCUMENT_ROOT", value, track_vars_array
> It gets docroot from a k-v table and the key is "docroot". In above code,
> rc->t is a  variables of httpTtrans.
> 2011/12/8 Mark Montague <m...@catseye.org>
>> On December 7, 2011 23:23 , Rui Hu <tchrb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I looked up the code of PHP and apache2, and found that PHP gets docroot
>>> from environment var "$DOCUMENT_ROOT". However in apache, I cannot find any
>>> code which assign this var.
>>> I googled but got nothing. Can you please show me the detailed process
>>> generating $DOCUMENT_ROOT in $_SERVER from apache to php. Thank you very
>>> much!
>> If you invoke PHP as a CGI, then Apache HTTP Server sets DOCUMENT_ROOT in
>> the function ap_add_common_vars() which is in the file server/util_script.c
>> See line 237,
>> https://svn.apache.org/viewvc/**httpd/httpd/branches/2.2.x/**
>> server/util_script.c?revision=**1100216&view=markup<https://svn.apache.org/viewvc/httpd/httpd/branches/2.2.x/server/util_script.c?revision=1100216&view=markup>
>> --
>>  Mark Montague
>>  m...@catseye.org
> --
> Best regards,
> Rui Hu
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> State Key Laboratory of Networking & Switching Technology
> Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)
> MSN: tchrb...@gmail.com
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Best regards,

Rui Hu
State Key Laboratory of Networking & Switching Technology
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)
MSN: tchrb...@gmail.com

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