Hi all,

As with mod_firehose, I have concluded negotiation with the BBC to open source 
some httpd modules that I wrote under the AL, and the BBC have very kindly 
agreed to donate the code to the ASF[1], which I believe would fit well as a 
subproject of httpd, and would like to know whether httpd would accept these.

To be clear, this isn't a "code dump", my intention is to continue to develop 
and support this moving forward, and hopefully expand the community around them.

- mod_policy: "HTTP protocol police"

One of the curses of developing restful services is that clients are "liberal 
in what they accept". This leads many developers of restful services to be 
"liberal in what they send", resulting in a service that works for the 
developer, but fails under load or other real world conditions.

mod_policy is a set of httpd filters that detect and implement a set of HTTP 
protocol checks, the idea being you declare a policy for your development and 
testing environments, and requests/responses that violate the policy will 
either log a warning to the error_log or explicitly fail with a suitable error 
message, clearly telling the developer what they have done wrong, with the 
expectation that the developer fixes this before the code sees production.

The set of policies to apply is as follows, but is expected to change with time:

o Content-Type: check that it's present and valid
o Content-Length: check that it is present and valid (used to ensure that 
keepalive requests between httpd and load balancers aren't prematurely 
terminated by a Connection: close)
o Keepalive: more detailed keepalive checks
o Vary: headers like User-Agent represent a potential caching DoS, if specified 
header is present in Vary, fail
o Validation: if ETag/Last-Modified not present, fail
o Conditional: if a conditional request doesn't comes back with a properly 
compliant conditional response, fail
o No-cache: if the response is declared no cache, fail
o Max-age: if the response has a max-age less than a given threshold, fail
o Version: if the request was less than a given version (< HTTP1/1, for 
example) fail

These are an initial set of policies that were created to meet current needs at 
the time of development, however it is expected this list will grow with time. 
mod_policy would benefit greatly from the experience of the authorities on HTTP 
that exist here, with the above policies being tightened up and improved.

With the proliferation of restful services out there in various states of 
dubious protocol compliance, this set of filters can be a huge help to stop 
developers doing non compliant things, while not getting in the way of 
production code. The filters also help enforce that content remains cacheable, 
which for sites that endure high loads or thundering herds is important.

The code is currently packaged as an RPM, wrapped in autotools, and a snapshot 
is available here:


The corresponding README documenting in more detail is here:


The code itself is here:


Obviously the expectation is for the documentation to be completed and fleshed 

[1] https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=52322


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