That's very different from other modules.
Most (all?) modules do the opposite: first global, then local - ex: rewrite

Furthermore, narrowing does not work the way you expect as

   <Location /test/>
     Substitute  "s/aaa/local1/inq"
   <Location />
     Substitute  "s/aaa/local2/inq"
     Substitute  "s/aaa/local3/inq"

will end up with "local2" which is not the narrowest-scope.

I understand your concern, but this definitely breaks the usual way of working which thus introduces an inconsistency with other modules .

mod_substitute is gone from 2.4
Is it replaced by mod_sed? What is the logic there?



-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: mod_substitute buggy execution order
Date:   Mon, 19 Dec 2011 15:34:41 -0600
From:   William A. Rowe Jr. <>
CC:     Nick Gearls <>

On 12/19/2011 8:40 AM, Nick Gearls wrote:
 Directive execution order is performed in a very strange way in mod_substitute.

 Look at the following example:

    Substitute  "s/aaa/global/inq"
    <Location /test/>
      Substitute  "s/aaa/local/inq"

 If I have "aaa" in a page, I expect it to be replaced by "global".
 No luck, it is replaced by "local".

Not a bug.  {global} is broader scope than /test/ URI.  Therefore the
server is performing the narrowest-scope replacements, first.

Otherwise, there would be no way to fine-tune the results in more
narrow contexts!

 Even more crazy:

    <Location /test/>
      Substitute  "s/aaa/local1/inq"
    <Location /test/>
      Substitute  "s/aaa/local2/inq"
      Substitute  "s/aaa/local3/inq"

 I expect the first directive to execute and see "local1".
 No luck again, it is replaced by "local2" - yes, not "local3".

 The merging of directive by Apache is performed in the following order: 
global, local1,
 local2, local3
 but directives are executed in the following order: : local2, local3, local1, 

 Am I confused or should we fix that?

I think this is fine.  It certainly should be documented, and we could
process replacements in last-to-first order within the same scope, but
I'm not sure that makes a huge difference (and would be inappropriate
to change this late in 2.2).  Since mod_substitute is gone from 2.4, I
doubt there is really an opportunity to change this anymore.

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