* Guenter Knauf wrote:

> Am 08.01.2012 17:20, schrieb Jim Jagielski:
> > How much is "entirely"?
> >
> > Do the>80char lines in ap_listen.h, ap_mmn.h, ap_mpm.h, ap_provider.h,
> > ap_regex.h, ap_regkey.h, ap_slotmem.h, http_core.h, http_protocol,h,
> > etc etc etc etc also constitute a rating of "entirely"?
> >
> > I'd look for more, but my time is better spent fixing things that
> > I find need-to-be-fixed rather than just pointing them out...
> >
> :-)
> on the other side: I've asked me already often if we shouldnt increase
> the maxchar/line; I believe that would in many cases greatly increase
> readability ...
> and honestly: who the heck does nowadays work on a 80-line terminal??
> isnt that a relic inherited from stone-time? I would be fine with f.e.
> 110 or 120 chars/line.

Here it's 80 chars (actually I'm use 78 personally) both about putting 
multiple editors side by side and keeping diffs readable by email clients.

Also, but that's for me, it's way more readable if it's not that wide.

Gib' mal folgendes in die Kommandozeile ein (und einen Moment warten):

net send localhost "Buuuh!"
Na, erschreckt?                              -- Markus Becker in mpdsh

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