On Wednesday 28 November 2012 17:02:30 Yehuda Katz wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 10:35 AM, André Malo <n...@perlig.de> wrote:
> > > You know that, and I know that. Jst as our Windows users know
> > > they have no use for source code.
> >
> > The discussion is moot. The ASF will not provide binary software.
> Is that a new policy? ASF has provided (i.e. made available on
> httpd.apache.org distribution mirrors) Windows binaries of HTTPD for (I can
> say every release, since I did not check, but you get the idea).
> The last one released was on 30-Jan-2012 of
> httpd-2.2.22-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8t.msi (see
> http://www.us.apache.org/dist//httpd/binaries/win32/).
> There are *still* NetWare binaries being built.

No, the ASF has not. And the policy (nor this discussion) is not new.

Some individuals have provided those builds. Nobody has voted on them 
(because, how could one - I know, I wouldn't). They are not official relases.

And that's where the circle closes. The ASF does not and can not provide 
binary builds. Volunteering individuals may do that.


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