On 05.02.2013 18:25, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
If in the Apache parent process, you would still have to call Tcl_Finalize() at some point wouldn't you to ensure that all memory is reclaimed?
I don't think so. If only because after calling Tcl_Finalize(), any other calls into libtcl are "undefined" -- not supposed to happen. So, it can not be done on graceful restart anyway. From Tcl's man-page:

   Tcl_Finalize is similar to Tcl_Exit except that it does not  exit  from
   the  current  process.   It is useful for cleaning up when a process is
   finished using Tcl but wishes to continue executing, and when  Tcl  is
   used  in  a  dynamically loaded extension that is about to be unloaded.
   Your code should always invoke Tcl_Finalize when Tcl is being unloaded,
   to  ensure  proper cleanup. Tcl_Finalize can be safely called more than

One of the flaws early on in mod_python was that it didn't destroy the Python interpreter. When an Apache restart was done, mod_python and the Python library would be unloaded from memory. When the in process startup was done after rereading the configuration Apache would load them again. Because it was reloaded it was a completely clean set of static variables holding interpreter state and so interpreter had to be reinitialised.
websh is already doing just the Tcl_DeleteInterpreter -- for the interpreter /it created/. That seems like the right thing to do anyway.

If websh is wrong (and mod_rivet is right) in that an explicit call to Tcl_Finalize is needed for an exiting process, then we are coming back to my original question. Registering it as a clean-up call for the process' pool (as wrowe@ suggested) seems like the best approach to that.



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