Hi all!

In response to my bug post at 
https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=83501, a maintainer referred me 
to Apache::Test which I see has moved to this list.

I just went tried to cpan CGI-Application-Dispatch on a newly built CentOS5 
box.    Cpan diligently runs the following test code:

Apache::TestRequest->import(qw(GET POST));
$response = GET('/app1/module_name/rm1');

It outputs "Failed test at t/handler.t"

Here's what smells funny.   I think that Apache::Test is expecting some kind of 
test harness to already be installed in the DocumentRoot, am I correct?  If so, 
the module would already need to be installed, so the CPAN test would have 
needed to be skipped (which sucks).  I see two possibilities: (1) Integration 
tests run by the author should be separated, or (2) a test harness should be 
loaded automatically in an embedded httpd so integration tests run.

Can someone who knows what they're doing chime in?

Sorry for the long subject, I know it's a mouthful.

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