On Apr 18, 2013, at 11:09 AM, Igor Galić wrote:

> From an IRC conversation in #httpd and #httpd-dev emerged the
> idea to interpolate %{variables} in all directives.
> According to sf we have somewhere a ~10 line code fragment
> which does that without much overhead (not benchmarked) when
> interpolating and with hardly any (short-circuit) when not.
> I think it would be a good idea to allow for this to be used
> in all directives (across all modules) it makes for immensly
> more readable configurations because:
> Example:
>    # default vhost redirecting every HTTP vhost to HTTPS: 
>    <VirtualHost *:80>
>        Redirect / https://%{HTTP_HOST}/
>    </VirtualHost>
> Another example might be something "more advanced" like:
>    # group specific authorization:
>    <LocationMatch "^/(?P<group>[^/]+).*">
>        Require group %{group}
>    </Location>

This would be lovely, and make us as cool as nginx.

Problems to address include conflicts with mod_macro, mod_rewrite, and any 
third-party module which might do variable fu.

Having the interpolation ignore stuff starting with Rewrite* or in a mod_macro 
definition seems simple enough. Having a generic way for a third-party module 
to say "don't interpolate me, man!" could be handy too.

Rich Bowen

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