I think we're mixing three issues

1)      Prevent Starvation.

        protecting a server from server side/machine starvation (i.e. running 
out of file descriptors, sockets, mbuf's, whatever).

        So here you are in the domain where there is no argument in terms of 
protocol violation/bad citizens; there simply
        is no resource - some something gotta give.

        So in this case - having hard cap's on certain things is helpful. And 
if for certain setups the current MaxXXX are
        not good enough (e.g. to keep a slowlaris in check as per normal modus 
operandi) - then that needs to be fixed.

        IMHO this is something dear to me, as a developer. And it should be 
fixed 'by default'. I.e. a normal configured
        apache should behave sensible in situations like this.

        And this is 'alway'  the case.

        There is a special case of this - and that is of sites which to some 
extend have shot themselves in the foot
        with a 'bad' architecture; where somehow some application/language 
environment has a tendency to
        eat rather a lot of resources; and leave (too little) to the httpd 

2)      Dealing with Noise

        Generally observing that on a quiet server some 30-60% (speaking for 
myself here) of your 'load' is caused
        by dubious/robotic stuff which does not benefit 'you' as the site owner 
with a desire to be found/public directly
        or even indirectly (e.g. like a webcrawler of a search engine would do).

        And this then begs the question - what can I, as a site owner (rather 
than a developer) configure - even if
        that means that I 'break the internet' a bit. 

        And this is something you decide on a per server basis; for long 
periods of time.

3)      Dealing with Attacks.

        Dealing with specific attempts to overload a server one way or the 
other; with the intention to lock
        other users out.

        For most of us, and unlike above two examples, a specific situation; 
and one which probably last
        relatively short (days, weeks).

        And for which you are willing to do fairly draconian things - even if 
that significantly breaks normal
        internet standard behaviour.

Would be useful to discuss each separately. As I do agree with some of the 
posters that apache is (no longer)
that strong* in area 1 and 3. And some modernisation may do wonders,



*: i.e. meaning that one tends to do highly specific things when dealing with 
issues like that; and while
   generally (very) effective - they are not part of core apache lore & default 

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