
There has been lately some attention to perfect forward secrecy in TLS,
mainly due to an article on netcraft:

What worries me is that apache still fixes the DH group size to 1024
bit. If one uses an RSA key with, e.g., 2048 bit, then using a DHE TLS
cipher will actually "downgrade" the security of the connection.

DLP or factoring-based public key cryptography with 1024 bit has been
known to be potentially week for quite some time now. NIST recommended
to phase out 1024 bit keys by 2010.
(we don't have a "key" here, but the security of a DHE group with 1024
bit is equivalent to a 1024 bit DSA key)

There's been a patch in bugzilla for a while to allow user-defined DH
parameters, however it hasn't gotten any attention by apache developers

I'd like to ask apache devs to raise some attention to this issue. I
think user-defined dh groups would be a good thing, but probably the
default should also be raised to e.g. 2048 bit.

Hanno Böck

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