
> It looks like mod_actions does not recognize r->handler set to "" --
> when r->handler is NULL, he will look directly to r->content_type, so
> that may be a potential way to still handle content-type based
> "dispatch" without having the content-type sit in r->handler.

What you suggest would, as far as I can see, make my configuration still
work as expected but allow you to remove the copy of r->content_type, so
I don't have any objections to that. From a coding perspective, this
seems cleaner to me.

By the way, I just cross-checked against the current mod_php [1], and
they check against r->handler, so your change would probably break
current mod_php regardless of mod_actions. On the other hand, a) my
guess is that this change will not make it into 2.4 or lower anyway, so
there should be plenty of time to write a release note about that and b)
as far as I understand it (I may be wrong about this) mod_php is
discouraged in favor of FastCGI anyway nowadays.

The interesting thing would be to see how many other modules also check
r->handler for content_type.

-- Christian


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