On 15.09.2013 15:16, Erwann Abalea wrote:
> Ideally, the second patch should integrate the 2048bits parameters inside
> the "generated section", and adapt the Perl code accordingly.
> That way, a paranoid sysadmin can run this file in his perl interpreter,
> and have his own 512/1024/2048 parameters generated by OpenSSL.
> You could also decide to remove that possibility once admin-chosen DH
> parameters become available.

I'm definitely in favor of the latter (not sure how many people really
do know that ssl_engine_dh.c can be executed as a Perl script - and if
we hardcode DH parameters, I'd rather go for well-defined ones).

> I don't really trust these particular parameters, given the current
> context. See Thomas' response in
> http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/41941/consequences-of-tampered-etc-ssh-modulifor
> arguments.

Well, referring to the last paragraph of that posting, the 2048-bit
parameter included in the patch right now *is* such a "Nothing up my
sleeve number" (in contrast to the parameters in RFC 5114, e.g.). See

> Maybe you can consider using some speed-optimized versions of those
> parameters, with the optional length field added and set to a suitable
> value? That's what the "-dsaparam" option for the "openssl dhparam" call
> does.

Yes, but it's a bit more than just adding the length... :-) [see

> There's no security problem if you use ephemeral keys.

True, as long as SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE is set.


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