On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 9:45 AM, Jeff Trawick <traw...@gmail.com> wrote: > I'm not sure what you mean by parent/child, or there's some confusion on your > part.
Hi Jeff, thanks for your reply. I'll admit there might be some confusion on my part. My knowledge of apache internals is... imperfect. The facts I observe: - Across all children in this configuration, fd 12 is the HTTP stream. The HTTP request is read() from fd 12, and response appears as writev() to fd 12. When idle, children poll fd 12 until they read a new HTTP request. - In one specific case, a complex page served by mod_php, mod_php has to do quite a bit of work before it can reply, this delay can be measured in minutes. In those cases, we sometimes (~50%) see a strange behavior: the reply _is_ written to fd 12 but is _not_ seen on the http stream (packet capture with Wireshark, run from an intermediate host). My (erroneous?) understanding of apache internals was that the socket I see in fd 12 was a back to the httpd parent process, which in turn passes it back to the TCP socket, so I was wondering about a possible comm breakdown there. If the fd is directly to the TCP stream, I perhaps need to move the packet capture to happen on the same host as where apache is running. cheers, m -- martin.langh...@gmail.com - ask interesting questions - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first ~ http://docs.moodle.org/en/User:Martin_Langhoff