On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 9:07 AM, Daniel Ruggeri <drugg...@primary.net>wrote:

> As I stand up a simple IPv6 test proxy that supports both AF_INET and
> AF_INET6 addresses, I was looking for a way to log what addr family (and
> maybe the IP address) mod_proxy settled on for each request in the
> access_log. I'm not seeing a way to do that (but correct me if I'm
> missing something) and was poking through the code and got to thinking
> that there are all kinds of data bits that'd be interesting to have
> available in the ENV.
> I'm thinking it'd be worth adding a directive (ProxyAddEnvironment?)
> that adds these ENV entries to each r->subprocess_env:
>  * Host header sent to backend (useful when dynamic targets are used)
>  * Target DNS name if set
>  * Target IP address
>  * Target Address family
>  * Target port
>  * Target connection protocol
>  * Flag for SSL enabled
> All of the data is readily available once a connection is acquired in
> ap_proxy_acquire_connection sans the HTTP Host header.
> Aside from logging, exporting these as ENV entries to the request allows
> us to do all sorts of stuff in other modules, too....
> Any thoughts? Is there something I should include or exclude before I
> begin?
> --
> Daniel Ruggeri
(unrefined, right out of my ...  head)

useful to have a convention (if not API) for how this info is made
available for logging, etc., so that other modules can play the same game
(e.g., mod_jk, FastCGI, whatever)

what about a plugin with optional functions that has APIs for recording
backend state that is meaningful across variety of "gateway" modules?  for
now maybe it is just for logging, but it could save in shared memory for
extraction in mod_status or other reports

maybe that solution is a bit farfetched, but I guess the theme is that
creating a proxy-specific solution can be a wasted effort given the same
need for any number of other "gateway" modules

Born in Roswell... married an alien...

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