On Wed, 6 Nov 2013 10:05:25 -0500
Jeff Trawick <traw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What are the thoughts around handling stderr?
> In some cases it is just junk if not wrapped in a proper message
> (i.e., there can be a requirement that error log be completely
> parseable and/or a requirement that stderr has timestamps or other
> info).  But it seems to require a thread of execution to implement
> that in order to avoid blocking the writer.  (Recently I encountered
> a situation where a third-party module called some library during
> httpd init that wrote an initialization message directly to stderr,
> and the message was stuck in the stdio buffer and forked into every
> child process for later, multiple appearances :) )
> I guess an error log provider could be given the opportunity to route
> stderr wherever it wants, but that doesn't handle the existing
> suckage of random, un-timestamped stuff in the log for normal
> configurations.  I guess you could have mod_stderr that may or may
> not be enabled if you wanted stderr handled more cleanly (groan),
> whether or not you had a provider for ap_log calls.

The windows nt event logging logic faced the same issue (and was the
reason for the early _commit() call :), so stderr is shifted to a pipe
to 'decorate' it into the event log queue, which would look very similar
for timestamps/other annotations into a syslog provider.

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