Am 23.11.2013 16:13, schrieb Eric Covener:
>>>>> is there something wrong with these patches or why does "ab" not send SNI 
>>>>> headers?
>>>>> Ask Meena perhaps?  She's quite harmless
>>>> you missed what i asked - in fact why there are patches needed
>>>> why does "ab -c 100 -n 500000 https://www.test.rh/"; not send SNI headers 
>>>> and flood logs
>>> The code wrote, built, and tested itself, but we removed it out of spite
>> sorry that i offended you in bringing on-list things i noticed and forced
>> you to throw around cynicism - maybe i better not waste my time to point
>> out things which could be improved before i learned C++ to apply changes
>> myself
> I don't think this list is appropriate for this issue.

then state it without cynicism and disrespect

> Further, I think your emails in this thread are flippant

there is nothing flippant in asking questions

> and demeaning to the volunteers here

maybe consider not assume bad intentions from everybody
which is not a reputable core-maintainer
> I personally de-prioritize thinking about issues framed in this way

what is "this way"?

maybe assume that non-native speakers phrase things different
without any bad intention

> I should also add that I see a pattern here, in case my response seems
> disproportionate

explain what you believe that you see instead throw fog candles hence

if that is the attitude of the http-devel list i should unsubscribe here
after mod_security works fine with Apache 2.4 behind a reverse-proxy
since I (as stupid user which should be quite - that is how your attitude
sounds like) spent my energy at the begin of 2013 to find out where the
problem is, where it can be solved and you hardly can tell me that no others
benefit from the result - the definition of a community is also users and
the topic is *not* appropriate for the users-list

hence if you have a personal problem state it or leave me in peace

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