Translate it to

  <Proxy balancer://abcd>
    BalancerMember https://mybackend.local
  <Location /path>
    ProxyPass balancer://abcd/path
    ProxyPassReverse  https://mybackend.local:433/path
    ProxyPassReverse https://mybackend.local/path
And yes it doubles the amount ProxyPassReverse directives in case of such 



Von: Thomas Eckert []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. November 2013 14:42
Betreff: Re: ap_proxy_location_reverse_map()

Indeed, with that example it works. Now how do I translate this into a 
configuration like the extract I posted earlier

  <Proxy balancer://abcd>
    BalancerMember https://mybackend.local
  <Location /path>
    ProxyPass balancer://abcd/path
    ProxyPassReverse balancer://abcd/path
As I said, according to the docs BalancerMember accepts an url as argument just 
like ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse do but the port seems to be ignored with 
This solution requires the configuration to be repeated, does it not ? Instead 
of doing
  ProxyPassReverse /path server
you need to do

  ProxyPassReverse /path https://backend.local:433/path
  ProxyPassReverse /path https://backend.local/path

and also (if applicable)

  ProxyPassReverse /path http://backend.local:80/path
  ProxyPassReverse /path http://backend.local/path
so it effectively doubles the amount of required ProxyPassReverse to be on the 
safe side. This is even though the ports are standard ports for the schemes and 
could just as well be skipped.

On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Plüm, Rüdiger, Vodafone Group 
<<>> wrote:
In this case your configuration is wrong.

Try either

 ProxyPassReverse /path https://mybackend.local:443/path
  ProxyPassReverse /path https://mybackend.local/path

  ProxyPassReverse / https://mybackend.local:443/
 ProxyPassReverse / https://mybackend.local/

Von: Thomas Eckert 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. November 2013 13:44

Betreff: Re: ap_proxy_location_reverse_map()

Reversing the order results in
  Location https://myfrontend.local/path/path/file?query
My expectation is that
  Location https://mybackend.local/path/file?query
  Location https://mybackend.local:433/path/file?query
both be rewritten to
  Location https://myfrontend.local/path/file?query

because I think this is the only plausible 'address' the reverse proxy can 
deliver to the client. If stripping the port results in breaking some logic 
with the backend then that's an internal issue most likely not fixable by 
simple rewriting. I don't think we can assume the reverse proxy uses the same 
ports facing the clients as does the backend facing the reverse proxy. Maybe a 
mapping option like 'backend_port[n] => frontend_port[k]" for known n and k is 
possible but I even doubt that.
In my test case, there is no 'fishy' stuff going on. The Location headers look 
good, simply with an added port that - strictly speaking - is not necessary. I 
can imagine the MS folks added the port there to get their URL parsing a little 
less complex by standardizing their URL formats (in as out). That's just me 
speculating however.

On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Plüm, Rüdiger, Vodafone Group 
<<>> wrote:
Can you please reverse the order of your ProxyPassReverse directives in the 
test (such that the one with the port comes first in the configuration).



Von: Plüm, Rüdiger, Vodafone Group
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. November 2013 12:19
Betreff: AW: ap_proxy_location_reverse_map()

What location would you expect? I agree that the result you see is not correct.

BTW: ProxyPassReverse does not change anything to your balancer setup.



Von: Thomas Eckert []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. November 2013 11:54
Betreff: Re: ap_proxy_location_reverse_map()

Thanks but you ignored the config extract I mentioned.
> ProxyPassReverse / https://mybackend.local
> ProxyPassReverse / https://mybackend.local:443

does this not translate to

  <Proxyy balancer://abcd>
    BalancerMember https://mybackend.local status=-SE
    BalancerMember https://mybackend.local:443 status=-SE

? I'm not even sure whether this is correct in terms of configuration - the 
docs speak of 'url' as argument to BalancerMember so I guess giving the port is 
ok. However, when accessing /path this does not do anything different then 
without adding the ':443' line.

The original problem was that Location headers like


are being rewritten to

  Location: https://myfrontend.local/:443/path/file?query

which is nonsense. Based on your example I replaced the usage of the balancer 
argument with
  ProxyPass /path https://mybackend.local
  ProxyPassReverse /path https://mybackend.local
  ProxyPassReverse /path https://mybackend.local:443

and it will rewrite the above mentioned Location header to

which is just as wrong.
Did I misunderstand you somewhere ?


On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 11:25 AM, Plüm, Rüdiger, Vodafone Group 
<<>> wrote:
  ProxyPass / http://backend:8080/
  ProxyPassReverse / http://backend:8080/

There the port matters.

Fix for your issue:

  ProxyPassReverse / https://mybackend.local
  ProxyPassReverse / https://mybackend.local:443



Von: Thomas Eckert 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. November 2013 11:20
Betreff: Re: ap_proxy_location_reverse_map()

Given a config extract like

<Proxyy balancer://abcd>
  BalancerMember https://mybackend.local status=-SE
<Location />
  ProxyPass balancer://abcd/
  ProxyPassReverse balancer://abcd/
what exactly is your suggestion ? Also, can you give an example for a situation 
where the port matters ?

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Plüm, Rüdiger, Vodafone Group 
<<>> wrote:
IMHO this should be fixed in the configuration with an additional mapping that 
has the port in. In many cases the port matters.



From: Thomas Eckert 
Sent: Dienstag, 26. November 2013 17:11
Subject: ap_proxy_location_reverse_map()

I've been debugging some problems with incorrectly reverse mapped Location 
headers and found some backend servers (e.g. OWA for Exchange 2013) to give 
headers like

  Location: https://myserver:443/path/file?query
which I think are perfectly fine. mod proxy fails to do the trick because

        else {
            const char *part = url;
            l2 = strlen(real);
            if (real[0] == '/') {
                part = ap_strstr_c(url, "://");
                if (part) {
                    part = ap_strchr_c(part+3, '/');
                    if (part) {
                        l1 = strlen(part);
                    else {
                        part = url;
                else {
                    part = url;
>          if (l1 >= l2 && strncasecmp(real, part, l2) == 0) {
                u = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, ent[i].fake, &part[l2], NULL);
                return ap_is_url(u) ? u : ap_construct_url(r->pool, u, r);
which does not take the port behind the domain name into consideration (note: 
simple example setup, fake path is just '/' obviously). I looked over the code 
and got the feeling the same problem applies to the whole section, not just 
that one strncasecmp() call. Since the port given by the backend server is not 
much use to the reverse proxy at that point, we can just drop it on the floor 
and continue, e.g. like this

--- a/modules/proxy/proxy_util.c
+++ b/modules/proxy/proxy_util.c
@@ -894,11 +894,17 @@ PROXY_DECLARE(const char *) 
ap_proxy_location_reverse_map(request_rec *r,
                 else if (l1 >= l2 && strncasecmp((*worker)->s->name, url, l2) 
== 0) {
+                    const char* tmp_pchar = url + l2;
+                    if (url[l2] == ':') {
+                        tmp_pchar = ap_strchr_c(tmp_pchar, '/');
+                    }
                     /* edge case where fake is just "/"... avoid double slash 
-                    if ((ent[i].fake[0] == '/') && (ent[i].fake[1] == 0) && 
(url[l2] == '/')) {
-                        u = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, &url[l2]);
+                    if ((ent[i].fake[0] == '/') && (ent[i].fake[1] == 0) &&
+                        (tmp_pchar != NULL) && (tmp_pchar[0] == '/')) {
+                        u = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, tmp_pchar);
                     } else {
-                        u = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, ent[i].fake, &url[l2], NULL);
+                        u = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, ent[i].fake, tmp_pchar + 1, 
                     return ap_is_url(u) ? u : ap_construct_url(r->pool, u, r);
 As said above this most likely needs to be spread to the other cases in that 
section as well. Anyone see problems with this ?

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