I infer that you think that in this particular case, the function macro
makes the code more readable and maintainable.  I don't think one can
define an absolute rule, it's a judgment call whether a macro increases or
decreases clarity and maintainability.  It reminds me of 'goto': most of
the time, one shouldn't use it, but there are cases where it's better than
the alternative.

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:

> At first blush, the below looks very workable! On a slightly
> off-topic topic, however, I wonder if macros are the way to
> go.  Long long ago function calls were really really expensive.
> Does the decreased clarity (and debugging capability) really
> offset the saved cycles? Agreed that it's not fully applicable
> below.
> On Dec 2, 2013, at 6:13 PM, Daniel Lescohier <
> daniel.lescoh...@cbsinteractive.com> wrote:
> > The current time caching implementation in util_time.c and
> mod_log_config.c is not guaranteed to work with all compilers and cpu
> architectures.  I have some proposed code I've written, that I want to get
> input from the mailing list on, before continuing on to compile and test it.
> >
> > The old implementation tries to do a wait-free algorithm, but
> incorrectly, because the algorithm relies on total memory ordering, and the
> implementation does not guarantee total memory ordering from the compiler
> or CPU.
> >
> > My proposal is to use the standard and portable apr_thread_mutex_trylock
> for enforcing the memory barriers.  For APR's Linux x86_64 implementation,
> this basically turns into a lock: cmpxchgl instruction, and a lock: decl
> instruction for the unlock.  Because only trylock is used, not lock, the
> futex is never spun and arbitrated on by the kernel, it's all done in
> userspace (if there's contention, each thread just calculates the value
> itself instead of reading from the cache).  So the replacement is also a
> wait-free algorithm, using the standard and portable apr_thread_mutex
> calls.  Also, the old algorithm does two memcpy operations when reading
> from the cache, while the new algorithm just does one.  For
> APR_HAS_THREADS==0 or a non-threaded mpm in use, no locking is done.
> >
> > The first part of the code is generic time caching code I've written in
> util_time_caching.h. I use these macros to create five different time
> caches:
> >
> > excerpt w/o boilerplate:
> >
> > -----------------------------------
> >
> > static apr_status_t (*FUNC_PTR)(VALUE_T *, apr_time_t) = &CALC_FUNC;
> >
> >  * The cache is implemented as a ring buffer. The key in the
> >  * cache element indicates which second the cache value is for.
> >  * We use a wait-free algorithm: if we cannot access the cache,
> >  * we just calculate the value, doing useful work, instead of
> >  * spinning trying to access the cache.
> >  * We only update the cache with newer times, because older times
> >  * should have a lower cache hit ratio, and we want to keep the
> >  * caches small to fit in the CPU L1/L2 caches.
> >  */
> >
> > static apr_status_t FUNC_NAME(VALUE_T *value, apr_time_t t)\
> > {\
> >     const apr_int64_t seconds = apr_time_sec(t);\
> >     apr_status_t status;\
> >     CACHE_T * const cache_element = \
> >         &(CACHE_PTR[seconds & ((1<<CACHE_SIZE_POWER)-1)]);\
> >     /* seconds==0 can be confused with unitialized cache; don't use
> cache */\
> >     if (seconds==0) return CALC_FUNC(value, t);\
> >     if (TRY_LOCK) {\
> >         if (seconds == cache_element->key) {\
> >             memcpy(value, &cache_element->value, VALUE_SIZE);\
> >             RELEASE_LOCK;\
> >             AFTER_READ_WORK;\
> >             return APR_SUCCESS;\
> >         }\
> >         if (seconds < cache_element->key) {\
> >             RELEASE_LOCK;\
> >             return CALC_FUNC(value, t);\
> >         }\
> >         RELEASE_LOCK;\
> >     }\
> >     status = CALC_FUNC(value, t);\
> >     if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {\
> >         if (TRY_LOCK) {\
> >             if (seconds > cache_element->key) {\
> >                 cache_element->key = seconds;\
> >                 memcpy(&cache_element->value, value, VALUE_SIZE);\
> >             }\
> >             RELEASE_LOCK;\
> >         }\
> >     }\
> >     return status;\
> > }
> > ----------------------------------------------
> >
> > Here is an example of implementing one of the caches in util_time.c:
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------
> > /* Have small sized caches, to stay in CPU's L1/L2 caches.
> >  * There should be few requests older than 3 seconds, so set
> >  * cache size power to 2.
> >  */
> >
> > typedef struct {
> >     apr_int64_t key;
> >     apr_time_exp_t value;
> > } explode_time_cache_t;
> >
> > TIME_CACHE(explode_time_cache_t, explode_time_lt_cache,
> >            TIME_CACHE_SIZE_POWER)
> > TIME_CACHE_FUNC_PTR(explode_time_lt_ptr, apr_time_exp_t,
> >                     apr_time_exp_lt)
> >     explode_time_lt_nolocking, apr_time_exp_t, sizeof(apr_time_exp_t),
> >     explode_time_cache_t, explode_time_lt_cache, TIME_CACHE_SIZE_POWER,
> >     apr_time_exp_lt, 1,,
> >     value->tm_usec = (apr_int32_t) apr_time_usec(t))
> > static apr_thread_mutex_t *explode_time_lt_lock;
> >     explode_time_lt_locking, apr_time_exp_t, sizeof(apr_time_exp_t),
> >     explode_time_cache_t, explode_time_lt_cache, TIME_CACHE_SIZE_POWER,
> >     apr_time_exp_lt,
> >     apr_thread_mutex_trylock(explode_time_lt_lock)==APR_SUCCESS,
> >     apr_thread_mutex_unlock(explode_time_lt_lock),
> >     value->tm_usec = (apr_int32_t) apr_time_usec(t)
> > #endif
> >
> > AP_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_explode_recent_localtime(apr_time_exp_t * tm,
> >                                                      apr_time_t t)
> > {
> >     return explode_recent_lt_ptr(tm, t);
> > }
> > -------------------------------------------------
> >
> > The function pointer initially points to the uncached CALC_FUNC; only
> after child_init is run is the function pointer replaced with the function
> using the cache.  Using the function pointer, the API and ABI of
> ap_explode_recent_localtime stays the same.
> >
> > I've implemented five caches: explode local/gmt, rfc822 date, and common
> log format local/gmt.  For the rfc822 cache, it will cache the formatted
> string, while in the old implementation, it'd only cache the exploded time
> structure, so the old implementation formatted the string on every request.
> >
> > Here is the child init function in util_time.c that will be referenced
> in server/core.c:
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------
> > void ap_util_time_child_init(apr_pool_t *p, server_rec *s)
> > {
> >     int threaded_mpm;
> >     if (ap_mpm_query(AP_MPMQ_IS_THREADED, &threaded_mpm) == APR_SUCCESS
> >         && threaded_mpm)
> >     {
> > #define init_cache_func(mutex, func_ptr, func_name)\
> >         apr_thread_mutex_create(&mutex, APR_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT, p);\
> >         func_ptr = &func_name;
> >
> >         init_cache_func(explode_time_lt_lock, explode_time_lt_ptr,
> >             explode_time_lt_locking)
> >         init_cache_func(explode_time_gmt_lock, explode_time_gmt_ptr,
> >             explode_time_gmt_locking)
> >         init_cache_func(rfc822_date_lock, rfc822_date_ptr,
> >             rfc822_date_locking)
> >         init_cache_func(clf_time_local_lock, clf_time_local_ptr,
> >             clf_time_local_locking)
> >         init_cache_func(clf_time_gmt_lock, clf_time_gmt_ptr,
> >             clf_time_gmt_locking)
> >     }
> >     else
> >     {
> > #endif
> >         explode_time_lt_ptr = &explode_time_lt_nolocking;
> >         explode_time_gmt_ptr = &explode_time_gmt_nolocking;
> >         rfc822_date_ptr = &rfc822_date_nolocking;
> >         clf_time_local_ptr = &clf_time_local_nolocking;
> >         clf_time_gmt_ptr = &clf_time_gmt_nolocking;
> >     }
> > #endif
> > }
> > -------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Comments?
> >

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