On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 7:47 AM, Pavel Matěja <pa...@netsafe.cz> wrote:
> Dne St 19. února 2014 21:09:10, William A. Rowe Jr. napsal(a):
>> I believe that Kaspar and Ruediger are still entirely at odds with my
>> position, but this 'enhancement' should never have been unilaterally
>> applied as it was to 2.2.26 and must be reverted (even as the feature
>> is 'fixed' with corrections they have blessed), e.g. the comparison
>> must be constrained to apply only to SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck enforcing
>> hosts under 2.2 to not break existing configurations.
>> It similarly aught to be constrained to SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck on the
>> 2.4 branch, but I'm just not going to participate in that debate at
>> all, which is why I say 'aught to'.  Time for a few more committers to
>> review the relevant specs and chime in with opinions on productive vs.
>> disruptive rules that are out-of-spec.
> Last note:
> when I go to the reverse proxy without hostname I can't get website at all.
> wget --no-check-certificate https://a.b.c.d will always return HTTP Error 500:
> AH01084: pass request body failed to..
> AH00898: Error during SSL Handshake with remote server returned by /
> AH01097: pass request body failed to..
> Any idea how to rework configuration without the downgrade to SSLv3?

Please post the full details in a bug report.

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