On Feb 6, 2014, at 4:07 AM, Graham Leggett <minf...@sharp.fm> wrote:

> On 05 Feb 2014, at 9:09 PM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
>> With http/2 becoming closer and closer, and spdy being
>> in place as we speak, it seems that we should really
>> ramp up development on trunk to support these new techs.
>> Lets get serious on what needs to be done w/ trunk
>> to get there, and what our wish-list is for new capability
>> and architecture.
>> Taking a page from mod_spdy, breaking the connection->request
>> singularity looks like an interesting 1st step, maybe via
>> some sort of "virtual connection" which a real connection
>> can spin up/down and which corresponds to the request's
>> "actual" connection... 
> My moon-on-a-stick wishlist is as follows.
> I want more from the MPMs. Most specifically, what I want is:
> - The ability to create and associate additional connections with the 
> original incoming connection, creating a set of associated connections, all 
> controlled by the same event loop.
> If mod_proxy wants to make a connection, I want to be able to tie it into the 
> same event loop that is driving the frontend. It should not matter where the 
> connections come from, they could be local pipes, doesn't matter.

Not only connections but also threads, that are treated as typical
MPM threads.

> - The ability to mask events.
> Messing around with lists of sockets is a colossal faff, ideally the MPM 
> should worry about this and the module developer shouldn't care. What I want 
> is the ability, at any time, to mask an event on a connection in a simple and 
> easy to understand way.
> While I am waiting for a ready-to-read from a backend proxy, I want to mask 
> the ready-to-write to the frontend, and I don't want this to be fiddly.
> - First class support for openssl.
> The SSL protocol is a layer, meaning that while we may be trying to read, 
> openssl underneath might be trying to either read or write to perform a 
> renegotiation. What openssl asks us to do is switch to a write in the middle 
> of a read, or a read in the middle of a write.
> We must support this properly from the get go with the ability to override 
> the sense of any event from a write to a read or a read to a write. In the 
> past the MPMs have ignored openssl expecting to handle it as some kind of 
> special case, and this is wrong.
> Regards,
> Graham
> --

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