
i have actual an problem with my proxy-timeout configuration.
(Apache 2.2.26, but 2.4 seems to have the same problem).

In my apache configuration we have defined a global ProxyTimeout to 30 seconds. But one of our JBoss-backends have some slow pages, and we want to raise the timeout to 2 minutes.
(without change of the default timeout).

But the timeout is not used, for the backend. The timeout change for an other backend works fine.
Imho, the imported difference is the backend type.
balancer doesn't work, http work.

ProxyTimeout 30
ProxyPass /content balancer://jboss timeout=120 # timeout after 30 secs
ProxyPass /mon     http://monitor timeout=10    # timeout after 10 secs
ProxyPass /other   http://other                 # timeout after 30 secs

In the documentation, the timeout parameter seems to be redefined for balancer. If this correct? Documentation bug? Software bug? My configuration buggy?

Know anyone a simple solution?
We have many backends,
so the workaround to change the default ProxyTimeout and set the timeout per backend is the last way.

Greats 'n Thanks,

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