On Mar 19, 2014, at 1:15 AM, Andreas B. <regis...@progandy.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> I saw the new unix sockets for mod_proxy in 2.4.9 and I am wondering why 
> there has to be a special url format. Wouldn't it be possible to supply the 
> socket path as a proxy parameter?

It would be. We chose otherwise. That way, we have a unified format
that could be used for other things.

> I have something like this in mind:
>    <Proxy "fcgi://php-fpm.local">
>        ProxySet "unix=/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock"
>    </Proxy>
>    <FilesMatch \.php$>
>        SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://php-fpm.local"
>    </FilesMatch>
> or with ProxyPass:
>    ProxyPass /php-bin "proxy:fcgi://php-fpm.local/src/http/" 
> "unix=/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock"
>    ProxyPassMatch ^(/.*\.php)$ "fcgi://php-fpm.local/srv/http/" 
> "unix=/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock"
> I can provide an incomplete patchset for this. I didn't touch the 
> documentation, mod_proxy_balancer output and log messages. This would get rid 
> of de_socketfy() and make the codepath much cleaner I think.
> Andreas
> PS: I found some strange behaviour with ProxyPassMatch. When you use a group 
> match (e.g. $1) in the result string, you'll have to define the parameters in 
> a separate proxy section. This Probably applies to ProxyPass with the 
> regex-tilde as well
>    ProxyPassMatch ^(/.*\.php)$ "fcgi://php-fpm.local/srv/http/$1"
>    <Proxy "fcgi://php-fpm.local/srv/http">
>        ProxySet "unix=/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock"
>    </Proxy>

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